You deside to take the path marked "Saphire Fields". Alyn leads you down the worn dirt path. You don't walk long before the forest opens up into a large field. The field has tall grass that comes up to your waste and the field is dotted by fragrant little blue flowers. Honey bees are buzzing all around you. Far ahead of you is a large stable made of stone. A small stream trickles near by. You see a horse-like animal buck in front of you. His bright red fur stands out against his grassy surroundings.

He gallops toward you. "Hello, my name is Hakan. I'm an Equii." he greets you. "Hakan, you have a couple burrs stuck in your maine." Alyn says as she pulled them out of his smoke colored maine. "I was racing Namir through the forest earlyer. I probably got them then." he explained. "Who won?" asked Alyn. "I did. Namir hit a tree!" giggled Hakan. "He would have won if that tree hadn't jumped out in front of him." Hakan walks out farther in the field and starts to graze. You notice a wooden sign to your left.

Hakan is from Avara

Images, text © 2002 Alyn. Copying text and/or images is against the law and is stealing.